There have been many people and resources that I have learned from over the years, and I constantly seek out people and resources to learn and improve from. While I wasn’t able to play at the collegiate level, I’ve had the opportunity to coach alongside, observe, and learn from others that have played at a higher level of college or professional ball. In addition to this experience, below is a selection of some of the resources that I have found useful to reference and learn from.

BookTitle & AuthorNotes
Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way
Cal Ripken, Jr, Bill Ripken
As my childhood sports hero, the Ripken’s teach the fundamentals of baseball the same way they played.
Heads Up Baseball 2.0
Ken Ravizza, Tom Hanson
Outstanding book on mental strategies to compete one pitch at a time.
The Science of Hitting
Ted Williams
Learning from one of the greatest hitters of all time.
Baseball Playbook
Ron Polk
Thorough playbook from an accomplished college coach.
Men at Work
George Will
Insights into some of the great figures of the game.
Mind of a Superior Hitter: The Art, Science and Philosophy
Michael McCree
The Baseball 100
Joe Posnanski
The Mental Game of Baseball
H.A. Dorfman
The Inner Game of Tennis
W. Timothy Gallwey
A tennis book? An excellent read for the mental game of any sport.
Coaching the Mental Game
H.A. Dorfman


Youth Baseball Edge with Rob Tong
– Youth Baseball Edge
80/20 Baseball with Coach Bo


YouTube Channels and Videos